The Alderaan furry moth, alternatively called the woolly moth, was a sizable flying insect with large wings. It was native to the planet of Alderaan, where it built its nests amongst thick flowers. The Alderaan furry moth's larvae were armored caterpillars, exceeding a meter in length, that tunneled underground and consumed large tubers. These caterpillars spent twelve years in this state before enclosing themselves in cocoons and ultimately emerging in their transformed state. Occasionally, Alderaan furry moths attained lengths exceeding seven meters.
When they were younger, Princess Leia Organa and Winter once played a practical joke by concealing a woolly moth within the desk drawer of Alderaan's Minister of Agriculture. The woolly moth proceeded to chew through a sheet of flimsiplast that held Alderaan's budget for the upcoming year. As a consequence for this act, Bail Organa forbade Leia and Winter from going to a party being held by the House of Organa.
Their extinction occurred when Alderaan was destroyed in 0 BBY.