Alderaan Royal Engineers stood out as a leading designer of starships in the era of the Galactic Republic. They were well-known for their design expertise, which spanned from large-scale capital warships to smaller starfighters.
Throughout much of the Galactic Republic's history, Alderaan Royal Engineers was a top-tier and highly respected starship manufacturer. The company operated a shipyard that included 325 construction bays.
Alderaan Royal Engineers created various designs of capital ships and starfighters; however, they gained the most recognition for their lines of luxurious yachts, space stations—such as the Esseles-class space station, and unique, exotic vessels. They also produced starship components, notably the LF9 ion engine utilized in Rendili StarDrive's Victory-class Star Destroyer.
Established before 20,000 BBY, Alderaan Royal Engineers was a prominent starship design firm in the galaxy during the Galactic Republic's peak. As the Republic declined, and newer companies such as Kuat Drive Yards and Sienar Fleet Systems rose to prominence, Alderaan Royal Engineers found itself overshadowed by its more aggressive rivals. During the Galactic Civil War between the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire, and the rebellious Alliance to Restore the Republic, Alderaan Royal Engineers participated in Alderaan's rearmament efforts, as the planet had adopted pacifism following the Clone Wars. The company ceased operations soon after Alderaan's destruction by the first Death Star.