
Alima was a Human of the male gender who served the Imperial Navy during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Born on the planet Coruscant, Alima ascended through the hierarchy of the Navy. Eventually, he achieved the rank of captain and commanded the Imperial-class Star Destroyer known as the Conquest.

His mission was to subjugating the planet Ithor, and he destroyed a significant portion of Ithor's Cathor Hills. As a reward for his actions, he was offered the prestigious position of captain of Darth Vader's flagship. However, understanding the mortal danger this role presented, Alima intentionally arranged his own demotion to avoid taking command.

Subsequently, he was tasked with locating the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 on Tatooine. There, he encountered Momaw Nadon, his long-time Ithorian adversary, in the city of Mos Eisley. Alima demanded that Nadon locate the droids, threatening the destruction of his gardens by the Galactic Empire should he fail.

After the Millennium Falcon successfully fled Tatooine, Nadon informed the Imperial Prefect that Alima had disregarded his information concerning the Millennium Falcon. The Prefect immediately executed Alima. Regretting his involvement, Nadon acquired genetic material from Alima and created clones of the former captain. Adhering to the Law of Life, Nadon produced two clones of Alima, both as a form of punishment for Alima's deeds and as a constant reminder of Nadon's own actions.

