Alkin Saad

Alkin Saad was a Padawan of the Human species, and of male gender, being instructed by the Jedi Order as the Galactic Republic neared its end in its final years.


Alkin Saad, a Human with the potential to use the Force, was trained at the experimental Academy of the Jedi Order located on the planet of Almas, which is found within the Cularin system. He was chosen to be the Padawan of Tantron Dow, a Jedi Master of the Duros species; together, they were dispatched to investigate the vanishing of multiple Jedi within the Almas Wastelands circa 31 BBY. While they were searching, the landspeeder being driven by Saad was struck down by a laser cannon used by members of the Believers cult, resulting in Saad's death and Dow's injury.

