Allen Milgrom, born on March 6, 1950, is an American professional in the comic book industry, working as a writer, penciler, inker, and editor. He contributed to a select number of issues of the Marvel Star Wars comic book series.
His writing credits include titles like Incredible Hulk, Mephisto, and Amazing Spider-man. Among the comics he has contributed to as a penciler are Firestorm, Avengers, Kitty Pryde and Wolverine, and Secret Wars II. A highly productive inker, he has worked on a wide array of books, at one point or another inking most of Marvel Comics' publications. The series he has contributed to include Cable, Captain America, Generation X, Micronauts, Uncanny X-Men, Warlock, and X-Factor.
During much of the 1980s, he served as an editor for Marvel, famously overseeing Epic Comics alongside Archie Goodwin, and editing the entire ten-year run of Marvel Fanfare Vol. 1. He departed from Marvel in 2000.