Alliance Fleet trooper uniform

AllianceFleetRegiment-SWR A demonstration of the Alliance Fleet trooper's attire on Yavin 4. During their time serving in the fleet of the Rebel Alliance, Alliance Fleet troopers wore the Alliance Fleet trooper uniform. As a standard service uniform, it was also utilized by both Rebel Marines and Rebel vanguards.

Alliance Fleet officers and Alliance Army personnel donned different iterations of the uniform.


The uniform consisted of grey-brown pants and a light blue tunic. A black vest, complete with webbing to carry weaponry, powerpacks, and other gear, was worn over the tunic. While the vest offered some defense against minor blaster shots, it proved ineffective against the powerful blaster rifles wielded by Imperial stormtroopers who stormed the Tantive IV in 0 BBY.

The helmet, crafted from plasteroid, formed another component of the uniform. Typically white, the helmet incorporated a front-facing visor. A soft garrison cap was occasionally worn in conjunction with the uniform.

