Alliance Space Station

Space Stations of the Alliance, in [Legends](link url), were orbital facilities utilized by the Rebel Alliance.


Each station contained an internal manufacturing plant, which enabled the deployment of fresh troops to the conflict zone. Alliance Space Stations possessed a highly modular design, but exhibited a degree of susceptibility to Imperial Broadside cruisers.

Enhancements involving additional armaments and manufacturing capabilities were possible. Adequately upgraded stations possessed the strength to sway the course of combat. The stations followed a uniform blueprint and were initially quite defenseless against Imperial attacks. Frequently, these space stations received support from a ground-based ion cannon. The Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards were a common location for these space stations, which in combat were typically bolstered by Corellian Corvettes, Nebulon-B Frigates, and their contingent of X-Wings and Y-Wings.

These stations functioned as the Rebel counterpart to the Cardan-class space station.

Different Types

