Alui system

The Alui system, found within the Trailing Sectors area of the Mid Rim, existed in the Alui sector. A Class II shipyard run by civilians was located in the Alui system circa 4 ABY, not long before the Battle of Endor; this shipyard was only capable of producing Imperial-class Star Destroyers for the Galactic Empire. It sat along the Duros Space Run hyperlane, connecting it to both the Enarc system and the Verdanth system in the Outer Rim Territories. It also shared a name with the Alui Corridor hyperspace route.

Behind the scenes

The reference book The Essential Atlas from 2009, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, was the first place the Alui system appeared, locating it in grid square O-17.


  • The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare

Notes and references
