Amloch system

The Amloch system, situated on the Galactic Frontier, was home to the ocean moon of Amloch. During 382 BBY, Jedi Knight Zallah Macri and her Padawan, Kevmo Zink, carried out a rescue operation for a prospector team that was trapped in a superstorm raging across the oceans of the moon. Following this successful rescue, the Jedi pair remained in the system for one more day, ensuring their availability to assist Jedi Knight Azlin Rell with an assignment located on the planet Tiikae.

Behind the scenes

Tessa Gratton and Justina Ireland mentioned the Amloch system in their young-adult novel, Path of Deceit. This novel, published in 2022, forms a part of Phase II of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.

