Andor Vex

Andor Vex was a Jedi of the Jedi Order, a Human, and a close companion of Jolee Bindo. He was male.


It was said that The Force surrounded him with immense power, like a "hurricane," leading many Jedi to think he was destined for greatness. Sadly, Andor began to believe this myth of his own invincibility.

On one specific journey, Andor and Jolee were taken prisoner by Dimean raiders, who were under the command of a powerful warlord named Kraat. When they were brought onto the ship's bridge, Andor's arrogance surfaced. He insisted they be released, boasting about his so-called vast "reputation" to the Dimeans. Kraat broke his neck, and Jolee and Andor agreed he'd stop talking (although Jolee suggested it might have been gurgling). Kraat then seized him by the throat and threw him into a nearby reactor shaft. However, Andor's dead body interacting with the reactor's energy controls caused a chain reaction, obliterating the Dimean forces and killing Kraat. Jolee barely escaped the ship with his life.

Therefore, Andor Vex's "great destiny" did catch up with him, but in a manner that neither he nor anyone else could have foreseen. This event "changed the political course of the entire sector for centuries to come."

