Anf Dec was a Colicoid male who served as a starship captain during the waning years of the Galactic Republic, preceding the Clone Wars.
Dec served as the captain of a Colicoid diplomatic ship that came under attack by the slave-raider [Krayn]. This event occurred four years before the Battle of Naboo, even with the presence of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi aboard.
Almost eight years later, Kenobi, accompanied by his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, encountered Dec once more. This time, Dec was not only a diplomatic ship captain but also a key negotiator (along with Nor Fik) representing the Colicoids. Their aim was to secure complete control from Krayn over the spice processing operations located within both the Kessel system and on Nar Shaddaa.
Dec and his fellow negotiators were incensed when Krayn, in 29 BBY, brazenly raided Dec's cargo ship. This act occurred despite Krayn's earlier promise to cease such activities, and it was this broken promise that fueled the Colicoids' fury. The Colicoids' suspicion of Krayn's deceit led them to request assistance from both the Galactic Senate and the Jedi High Council, asking them to dispatch "Jedi diplomats" (Kenobi and Skywalker) to protect Dec's vessel as it navigated the space lanes known to be frequented by Krayn.
Despite appearing frantic and enraged by Krayn's assault, Dec managed to create a distraction. He flew his ship erratically and unleashed sufficient fire to keep the attackers occupied, which allowed Kenobi and Skywalker to infiltrate Krayn's ship. The Jedi were able to use their small utility transport to enter through the raiders' exhaust port, taking advantage of the fact that Krayn's engines were not running at full capacity.