Ania Solo's junkyard

Ania Solo was the proprietor of a junkyard. This junkyard was situated on the moon of the relatively unimportant planet Carreras Minor, located within the Carreras system. The events took place circa 138 ABY. The junkyard, large enough to allow a starship to land without detection from other areas, was home to ever-hungry, power-draining gesaw rats and a large security droid.

Tham, along with his accomplice, tried to shake down Ania for credits. They demanded ten thousand credits for some junk she valued at only two hundred. After she refused, they attempted to threaten her, but SD quickly apprehended them. Ania then sifted through their junk shipment and discovered a damaged comm droid. She took it to Sauk, her friend located on the orbiting ice mining platform. Inside the droid, Sauk found an Imperial Knight lightsaber. The pair then traveled to Carreras Major with the intention of selling the lightsaber, but they encountered trouble with the authorities. Ania and Sauk fled back to the junkyard to escape the security forces, where they were met by Ania's client, AG-37. The Sith Darth Wredd, disguised as Imperial Knight Yalta Val, tracked them down with the assistance of Shifala security personnel. The Sith destroyed SD, and the gesaw rats immediately swarmed the droid's remains, creating a diversion that allowed Ania and Sauk to get away. AG-37 then rescued them from the Sith's pursuing forces and transported them away from the junkyard aboard his freighter.

