The conflict known as the Anselmi–Nautolan war took place in the Republic Era between the Anselmi and the Nautolans. A fragile truce had been reached by approximately 33 BBY, leading to the creation of a peace treaty. As a sign of goodwill, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum presented the Hope of Glee Anselm statue—an artifact created jointly by the Anselmi and Nautolan people long ago—to both groups, with the hope that this ancient symbol of unity could foster renewed collaboration. However, Count Dooku and Nautolan Ambassador [Fiarok] secretly orchestrated a theft, and a grouping of Nautolan radicals absconded with the statue during a peace celebration, thereby escalating the already tense situation. The discovery of Fiarok's involvement in the theft destroyed the peace negotiations and restarted the war. This event significantly damaged Valorum's political standing, ultimately leading to his removal from power via a Vote of No Confidence a few months later in 32 BBY.