Anti-Infantry Turret

Anti-Infantry Turrets, which can also be referred to as anti-infantry batteries, were laser cannons positioned on the ground. These emplacements utilized sophisticated targeting computers to precisely target opposing infantry units and their associated gear. Subsequently, the cannons discharged potent blaster bolts, resulting in both personnel losses and the obliteration of equipment.


Various Anti-Infantry Turret models saw deployment throughout the Galactic Civil War. One example is the Bp.2 anti-infantry turret, a product of Taim & Bak, frequently employed by the Imperial Army during the Galactic Civil War. Another model, the DF.9 from Golan Arms, achieved notoriety through its use by the Alliance to Restore the Republic in the Battle of Hoth. Also, the Twin DF.9 existed, a more potent variant with an increased rate of fire, resembling the DF.9 but equipped with dual cannons.


  • The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology

Notes and references
