Bp.2 anti-infantry turret

The Bp.2 anti-infantry turret, a lightweight defensive weapon, was manufactured by Taim & Bak for the Imperial military during the era of the Galactic Civil War. This weapon system comprised a blaster cannon with a high rate of fire, powered independently and mounted on a turret capable of full rotation. It proved highly effective at neutralizing infantry assaults, especially when soldiers were grouped closely together. With its rapid burst fire, the turret could also inflict damage, or even destruction, on lightly armored vehicles, although it proved largely ineffective against vehicles possessing moderate to heavy armor.

Taim & Bak designed the Bp.2 as part of a line of fundamental turret systems intended for sale to the Imperial Army, with the goal of enhancing their position in the competitive galactic arms market. Imperial garrisons quickly integrated it into their defenses, and it saw extensive combat use, especially in the early phases of the Galactic Civil War. The Bp.4 anti-vehicle turret and the Bp.5 anti-aircraft turret were among the other turrets in the series.

