The Bp.4 anti-vehicle turret, a lightweight defensive weapon, was manufactured by Taim & Bak for the Imperial military during the era of the Galactic Civil War. This turret comprised a high-powered blaster cannon affixed to a rotating platform, enabling a complete 360-degree field of fire to engage threats from all sides. A self-contained power source eliminated reliance on external connections, ensuring continued functionality even if the primary power grid of a facility was disabled. The cannon discharged volleys of blaster bolts, punctuated by brief pauses for capacitor replenishment. The Bp.4 turret was capable of easily obliterating lightly armored vehicles, inflicting substantial damage to medium-sized enemy vehicles, and, when deployed in sufficient numbers, even neutralizing formidable enemy vehicles like the Rebel T4-B heavy tank.
Taim & Bak designed the Bp.4 as part of a line of fundamental turrets intended for sale to the Imperial Army, to give them a competitive advantage in the galactic arms market. It quickly became a standard asset in Imperial garrisons and saw extensive combat use, especially in the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Other models in this turret family included the Bp.2 anti-infantry turret and the Bp.5 anti-aircraft turret.