The AP-1-C attack droid, designated as Armored Platform, model 1, command, functioned as a battle droid for the Imperial Remnant. Arakyd, the same corporation that produced the Arakyd Viper, was its manufacturer. While equipped with a repeating blaster, the AP-1-C's primary function, as indicated by its designation, was to command allied AP-2 and AP-3 attack droids.
The Battle of Cadinth was one engagement in which this attack droid participated.
The "Imperial Attack Droid B" design originated from the unproduced The Epic Continues narrative. Its initial physical representation was created by combining parts from 2-1B and 4-LOM action figures, and it was armed with Zuckuss' blaster.
Subsequently, the droid was incorporated into the Legends continuity, receiving the official designation AP-1-C attack droid. The AP-2 and AP-3 attack droids, which were conceived in a similar manner, also appeared in the same source material, alongside other concepts that were not included in the toy line.