
Serving as a captain within the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic on the world of Coruscant, Archer, a clone trooper pilot, commanded a squadron composed of starfighters. During 19 BBY, the Senate Bureau of Intelligence tasked these pilots with the pursuit of a starship known as the Stellar Envoy, which had been discovered utilizing an unauthorized access code. Despite Archer's dedicated efforts, the ARC-170s and V-wing starfighters of his squadron, even with the subsequent support of two Republic fleets, failed to successfully apprehend the Envoy.


Archer was a clone originating from the planet of Kamino, created from the genetic template of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, for service within the Grand Army of the Republic. As a captain and clone trooper pilot in 19 BBY, he was in command of his own squadron of starfighters. Shortly after the Battle of Coruscant during the Clone Wars, the assistant director of the Republic's Senate Bureau of Intelligence requested Archer's squadron to pursue the YT-1300 light freighter known as the Stellar Envoy as it attempted to flee the planet of Coruscant. The freighter had been reported for using a security code to which its pilots were not authorized.

Archer and his team engaged in pursuit using a minimum of seven ARC-170s and V-wing starfighters. Armand Isard, the Director of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence, authorized Archer to either disable or destroy the ship. Despite Archer's squadron firing upon it, the Stellar Envoy blended into a large group of civilian ships attempting to evacuate the planet in the aftermath of the battle. Archer and his pilots were then compelled to cease firing and instead track the Envoy from a safe distance. Upon the Envoy's entry into the upper atmosphere, it was identified as a target by two Republic Navy fleets, namely the Open Circle and Home fleets, into which the ship then flew to seek refuge from the squadron's renewed assault. While some shots from Archer's squadron did impact the craft, the Stellar Envoy was subsequently caught in a tractor beam emanating from a capital ship called the Integrity. Nevertheless, the Stellar Envoy successfully jumped to hyperspace before the squadron could effectively disable it.

Personality and traits

Being a clone derived from the bounty hunter Jango Fett, Archer possessed an identical genetic makeup to his source. Fett, a Human male, had a height of 1.83 meters, brown hair, and brown eyes. Archer's training focused on piloting starfighters, and he demonstrated the necessary leadership qualities to effectively command his squadron in combat situations.

Behind the scenes

Archer makes an appearance in James Luceno's 2008 novel, Millennium Falcon. Although the novel does not explicitly state whether Archer was a clone or a non-cloned officer, it does indicate that the pilots pursuing the Envoy were clones. Consequently, this article classifies him as a clone.

