Ardos disk

Ardos disks were small, coin-like objects. These were crafted from aurodium obtained from Varl. One side of each disk featured a symbolic representation of the star Ardos, while the reverse side displayed the emblem of the kajidic responsible for its creation. These disks served as prizes for the most valued servants and envoys of Hutt Lords, and also for champions of the Granee Noopa.

Possessing an Ardos disk signified that the individual was shielded by the kajidic that issued it. For a Hutt to kill someone carrying an Ardos disk was almost as forbidden as killing another Hutt. Most Hutts, along with their subordinates, respected the considerable safety granted to those fortunate enough to receive this uncommon privilege. In contrast, stealing or counterfeiting an Ardos disk was considered a grave offense by the Hutts.


  • Lords of Nal Hutta (First mentioned)

Notes and references
