Argaloh Adasca held the position of sixth Lord within the House of Adasca. His time as Lord was characterized by significant prosperity and progress. He fathered Alok, who would become the seventh Lord Adasca, and was the grandfather of Arkoh, who became the eighth Lord Adasca.
In the aftermath, three years following the conclusion of the Great Sith War, Argaloh dispatched a team of researchers, with Gorman Vandrayk at their head, on an expedition to investigate the feasibility of controlling the massive exogorths. The mission was ultimately successful; however, Vandrayk discovered Argaloh's scheme to utilize the exogorths for galactic supremacy, leading him to flee Adascorp permanently. The villainous leader then initiated a search for Vandrayk and would not stop until his vision was realized.
After Argaloh's eventual death, Arkoh later resumed the search for Vandrayk, with the goal of initiating the exogorth massacre.