Arkanian Microtechnologies, often shortened to Arkanian Micro, stood as a powerful manufacturing entity, well-regarded for its contributions to the advancement of medical technology and supplies. While its main headquarters resided on the planet of Vohai, the corporation maintained an additional branch in proximity to Novania, a city situated on Arkania. Publicly, it functioned as a significant provider of technological equipment and health products throughout the galaxy. However, the organization's primary focus involved the research and development of genetic engineering methodologies, spanning from the immediate alteration of genomes to inducing mutations through intense exposure to substantial levels of radiation.

During the period of the Clone Wars, Arkanian Microtechnologies was contracted by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine with the objective of producing a more economical, secondary clone army for the Galactic Republic. Due to the project's clandestine nature, significant sums amounting to billions of credits were secretly diverted from various bank accounts to finance the establishment of cloning facilities on Centax-2, one of the moons orbiting Coruscant. These newly constructed facilities were outfitted with Spaarti cloning cylinders, which Arkanian Micro's scientists employed to cultivate fully developed clone soldiers within a single standard year, contrasting with the ten-year developmental timeframe associated with the Kaminoan methodology. Although the Spaarti approach allowed the corporation to generate clones at a considerably accelerated pace compared to the Kaminoan-developed line of clone troopers, the one-year maturation period meant that Arkanian Micro's clone units did not receive the same degree of training as their Kamino-originated counterparts. The company utilized flash pumping computers to instill fundamental soldiering knowledge into the subjects; however, even the corporation acknowledged that the Spaarti clones' combat capabilities were markedly inferior to those of the troopers from Kamino. These deficiencies raised concerns among one of the scientists monitoring their progression, but the Chancellor reassured the Clone Master that the new clone troopers were not required to match the effectiveness of their predecessors.
In 19 BBY, the Clone Wars' concluding year, the Grand Army of the Republic was a depleted force. A third of the original clone troopers had died, while others sustained injuries rendering them unfit for combat. The remaining forces were thinly dispersed across the Outer Rim Territories, where the clones and their Jedi officers engaged the Separatist droid forces in a series of grueling campaigns. Around that time, Arkanian Microtechnologies dispatched an advance guard of Spaarti clone troopers, formally designated as the 14th Infantry Brigade, into the active war zone to assess the efficacy of their creations. Additional clones from Centax-2 were integrated into existing military formations, including the 501st Legion and Coruscant Guard. Chancellor Palpatine publicly announced the existence of the new clone army during the Battle of Coruscant, which occurred when the Separatists launched a surprise assault on the galactic capital. Following the Republic's triumph at Coruscant, Arkanian Micro's clone troopers were incorporated into the Grand Army, thereby replenishing its diminished ranks.

Following the Clone Wars, Arkanian Microtechnologies continued to provide services to the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire. Under the rule of Emperor Palpatine, the New Order significantly expanded its military forces with a greater number of clone soldiers, all produced by Kaminoan and Arkanian Micro facilities under Imperial control. Soon after Palpatine's ascension to power was finalized, the Emperor and his Sith apprentice Darth Vader, assigned Arkanian Microtechnologies the task of engineering Force-sensitive clones, a goal previously deemed unattainable. Utilizing genetic material from Emperor's Hand Sa Cuis, Arkanian Micro scientists successfully developed the Force-sensitive stormtroopers. While Palpatine and Vader were impressed by the results and initially requested the company to produce more Force-wielding clones, the project was ultimately terminated after the experimental stormtroopers rebelled against their creators, influenced by the manipulations of their Dark Jedi instructor, Sheyvan.
By 40 ABY, years after the Empire's defeat in the Galactic Civil War, Arkanian Microtechnologies remained in operation. Taun We, a Kaminoan woman who had previously served as Project Coordinator for the Republic clone army, joined the company as an employee and was stationed at its Vohai headquarters, where she continued her research in the field of cloning.