The arqet was a native species of Pellastrallas, a planet, known for being predatory ungulates and mountain-dwelling carnivores. These patient and ferocious hunters were exploited for gladiatorial contests by the Circus Horrificus. An incident involving an escaped arqet, which resulted in the goring of numerous spectators on Nar Shaddaa, caused significant chaos.
These warm-blooded predators, known as arqets, possessed tough hides. Their dense dorsal and spinal plates provided resistance against both energy projectiles and slug-throwing weaponry. These plates resulted in them resembling armadillos. The hue of an arqet's skin was variable, influenced by the intensity of solar radiation exposure, enabling them to effectively camouflage themselves within their environment. The skull of an arqet was adorned with a pair of curved horns, longer than the head itself. These horns, along with sharp, piercing teeth, were used to hunt and kill prey. Their split hoofs terminated in claws, capable of inflicting damage, and they were typically sure-footed within their rocky natural habitats.
Arqets were solitary hunters that typically preyed on smaller local species, such as the Ixzinian rock ram and the Uthori breix. Renowned for their legendary patience, arqets could remain completely still, appearing as immobile as a rock. They would remain hidden until their prey was within striking distance, then attack at the last possible moment, using their horns to impale smaller creatures. They were also known to feign injury to attract victims, then suddenly attack their unsuspecting assailants.
Arqets were inhabitants of the mountain ranges found on Pellastrallas. They hunted smaller species such as the Ixzinian rock ram and the Uthori breix. They were notorious as some of the most ferocious warm-blooded predators in the Agarix sector, and their extreme patience during hunts became legendary. Certain arqets, when targeted by armed Humanoids, demonstrated the ability to withstand hits from energy weapons and slug-throwers. This was done either to deter their attackers or to lure them close enough for a desperate, final lunge.
The Circus Horrificus captured these ferocious arqets from their homeworld to be used in gladiatorial arenas, where they fought alongside creatures like akk dogs. A particularly famous incident occurred in 22 BBY when the Circus imported an arqet to the Ko Hentota district of Nar Shaddaa. Upon being presented to the audience, the arqet quickly broke free of its restraints and began attacking spectators, resulting in twelve fatalities. Attempts to restrain the creature failed, and it escaped into the ventilation system. This disaster led to the dispersal of the Circus operators and marked the end of their illicit performances.