Atril Neff

Lieutenant Atril Neff was a Human female immigration officer serving the planet of Bespin. She was a member of Bespin's Wing Guard during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Her responsibilities included tracking all individuals entering and exiting Cloud City on Bespin. In 3 ABY, when the Imperial occupation of Bespin occurred, Neff found herself in Cloud City. The presence of Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, ignited her curiosity, leading her to seek opportunities to observe the Sith Lord.


During the Galactic Civil War, Human female Atril Neff held the rank of lieutenant as an immigration officer within the planet Bespin's Wing Guard. This conflict saw the Galactic Empire opposing the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Atril had a brother named Allen, who originally came from Ertegas. Allen moved to Bespin at the age of six and eventually joined the Wing Guard, following in his sister's footsteps. Neff's duties within the Wing Guard involved maintaining awareness of everyone who entered and exited Cloud City on Bespin. She was stationed in Cloud City in 3 ABY when Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, led Imperial forces to occupy Bespin.

Personality and traits

Neff excelled in her role, possessing a thorough knowledge of Cloud City's comings and goings. The arrival of Darth Vader on Bespin during the Imperial takeover sparked her interest. Driven by this curiosity, she actively sought opportunities to observe the Dark Lord of the Sith. Atril Neff had a fair complexion.


As a Lieutenant within the Bespin Wing Guard, Neff wore the standard uniform and carried a Relby-k23 blaster pistol as her weapon.

Behind the scenes

Lieutenant Neff's initial appearance was on a card from the Premiere set of Decipher's Jedi Knights Trading Card Game in 2001. Her first name, "Atril," was revealed on March 11, 2014, in the Rogues Gallery section of issue 148 of Star Wars Insider magazine.


  • Jedi Knights Trading Card Game — Premiere (Card: Lieutenant Neff • Immigration Officer) (backup link) (First mentioned)
  • Jedi Knights Trading Card Game — Scum and Villainy (Card: Lieutenant Neff • Quick Draw) (backup link)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • " Rogues Gallery: The Cloud City Wing Guards " — Star Wars Insider 148 (First identified as Atril)

Notes and references

  • Star Wars Sourcebooks on Facebook (post) (March 6, 2014) (screenshot)
