Allen Neff was a male Human originating from the planet of Ertegas. At the young age of six, he relocated to Bespin and later became a member of the Wing Guard, the security force that protected Cloud City on that planet, by the time 3 ABY arrived. Before the Galactic Empire commenced its occupation of Bespin during that year, Neff was among the troopers of the Bespin Wing Guard who accompanied Lando Calrissian, the Baron Administrator of Cloud City, to greet the passengers disembarking from the light freighter called the Millennium Falcon. This vessel, the actual target of the Empire, had just landed on Platform 327 of Cloud City.

Born around 3 BBY, Allen Neff was a male Human whose place of origin was the planet of Ertegas. He had a sister named Atril, and when he was six years old, he departed from his homeworld and moved to the planet of Bespin. Eventually, Allen followed in his sister's footsteps and joined the Bespin Wing Guard, which served as the primary security force for Cloud City on that planet.
In 3 ABY, the Galactic Empire occupied Bespin with the objective of capturing the Millennium Falcon, a light freighter belonging to the Rebel Alliance. When the Millennium Falcon made its landing on Platform 327 in Cloud City, Neff was among the Wing Guard troopers accompanying Lando Calrissian, the Baron Administrator of the city, alongside his chief aide for administrative matters, Lobot, to welcome the occupants of the freighter. Following Lobot's instructions, Neff and the other Wing Guard left the Baron Administrator and his aide alone with Han Solo, the captain of the Falcon, and his passengers, who were unaware that Calrissian was leading them into a trap set by the Empire.
During his time serving in the Bespin Wing Guard, Neff wore the standard uniform that was issued to members of the organization.

Allen Neff was a character created for the 1980 film, Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, part of the original trilogy. The film was released on May 21 of that year. Before the film's debut, Neff made his initial appearances in both The Empire Strikes Back Storybook by Shep Steneman and the film's novelization, authored by Donald F. Glut. Both publications were made available on April 12 of the same year. The scene involving Neff was filmed between April 5 and April 12, 1979, at Elstree Studios on stage 2.
Neff's name was first revealed on March 11, 2014, in the article titled "Rogues Gallery: The Cloud City Wing Guards," which was featured in the 148th issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine. According to Kevin Beentjes, Sander de Lange, and Tim Veekhoven, the authors of the article, most of the Wing Guard members described were "good guys" who were against the corruption under the previous Baron Administrator of Cloud City, Dominic Raynor, with the exception of those who had already been known to be corrupt.