Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (novelization)

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back exists as a book adaptation of the film bearing the same title. Donald F. Glut is the author, crafting the novel from a story conceived by George Lucas. Del Rey initially released it as a paperback on April 12 of 1980.

Summary by the Publisher

The saga of Luke, Han, and Princess Leia didn't conclude with the destruction of the Death Star; rather, it extends into The Empire Strikes Back.

Although the Rebels achieved a noteworthy victory, the conflict between them and the Empire was truly just getting underway.

Now, some months later, the Rebels have made a base on the icy planet of Hoth. However, even on this remote, frozen world, they couldn't evade the notice of the evil Darth Vader for very long.

Before long, Luke, Han, the princess, and their loyal allies were compelled to escape, scattering in various directions, with the Dark Lord's forces in hot pursuit!

Differences from the Film

The novelization contains several deviations when compared to the motion picture:

  • The book includes extra scenes focused on the probe droid and its mission to find the Rebel base on Hoth. In one instance, a wampa attacks the droid. The probe droid responds by using its blaster to vaporize the creature. In another, the droid generates a force field to protect itself from a blizzard.
  • Han Solo's line, "And I thought they smelled bad on the outside," is absent. Instead, he comments that if he fails to construct the shelter promptly, "Jabba won't need those bounty hunters."
  • General Veers meets his end when a Rebel snowspeeder collides with his Imperial walker, causing an explosion. This is rooted in a scene that was cut from the movie.
  • Yoda is depicted with blue skin, differing from his familiar green appearance. This is based on earlier character designs, similar to the blue-skinned Yoda featured in The Marvel Comics Illustrated Version of The Empire Strikes Back.
  • Luke experiences additional training sessions with Yoda that are not shown in the film. In one scene, he attempts, but fails, to jump across a pond. In another, he practices with two, and then four, remotes that shoot painful blasts akin to those in A New Hope.
  • C-3PO does not interrupt Han and Leia's initial kiss; instead, Chewbacca witnesses a portion of the scene.
  • The Executor houses only five bounty hunters. 4-LOM is not present, and Zuckuss is portrayed as a "human type" instead of a Gand.
  • In Luke's vision within the Dark Side Cave, Vader's lightsaber is blue, not red.
  • Upon welcoming the Millennium Falcon on the landing platform, Lando Calrissian's group includes both aliens and droids.
  • The description of Lobot is somewhat vague. He is only described as "Lando's aide" who "wore a radio device that wrapped around his head and covered both his ears." He is not identified as a cyborg. He also speaks, contrasting with his silent depiction in the movie, but aligning with portrayals in other media.
  • The Ugnaughts are disposing of scrap into a molten metal pool, rather than placing it on a conveyor belt leading to an incinerator. Chewbacca also encounters significantly less resistance in compelling them to return Threepio's components.
  • When Leia declares her love for Han, Han responds with "Just remember that, because I'll be back"—a departure from his iconic line, "I know," from the film.
  • As the Millennium Falcon approaches Luke as he hangs from a vane beneath Cloud City, the structure gives way, and Luke starts to fall. Chewbacca, piloting the Falcon, must perform a rapid dive to rescue him.

Public Response

Within its first week alongside the theatrical release of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, the novelization achieved sales of two million copies.

From May 18, 1980, to September 4, 1980, the novel was featured on the New York Times Paperback Best Sellers list. It was described as "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, by Donald F. Glut. (Ballantine, $2.25). More about 'Star Wars': fantasy fiction."

Different Versions

United States

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United States

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