The Mon Calamari assault represents an offensive action taken by Admiral Daala early in her campaign targeting the New Republic. A dormant probe droid was inadvertently brought back online on Mon Calamari; Daala's fleet detected the subsequent signal and launched an attack on the planet as a consequence.
Daala's fleet emerged from hyperspace near the planet, taking the Mon Calamari defense forces by surprise. Still recovering from the renewed Emperor's attack, the Mon Calamari mounted a weak defense, but not before Daala inflicted significant damage on several key floating cities, notably Reef Home City. The Mon Calamari managed a counterattack; the tactical brilliance of Admiral Ackbar led to the destruction of the Manticore, one of Daala's Imperial-class Star Destroyers.
Enraged by the loss of a starship, Daala intensified the assault, deploying her TIE Fighters for close-quarters strafing runs. Upon the arrival of a New Republic fleet responding to the Mon Calamari's distress signal, Daala withdrew her forces and retreated from the system.