The assault targeting the Imperial repair station occurred amidst Operation Skyhook. The Alliance to Restore the Republic successfully seized the Death Star's design team.
A portion of the military hardware captured during the previous mission was routed through a maintenance hub situated close to Coruscant. Alliance High Command then resolved to initiate an offensive against this hub, aiming to disable the support network aiding vessels involved in the Death Star's construction.
A Rebel Y-wing squadron, overcoming substantial Imperial presence, successfully entered the Coruscant system. The Imperial repair station turned out to be a repurposed BFF-1 bulk freighter. Despite facing significant opposition, the Rebels launched their attack on the Imperial forces. Alliance units were able to eliminate the majority of TIE fighters and bombers, along with the Delta-class transports and Lambda-class shuttles. Upon realizing the attack had begun, the Imperials deployed the Vulture in an attempt to defend the station. Ultimately, Red Leader succeeded in obliterating the drydock.