Aurek Company was the name given to a company within the 501st Stormtrooper Legion of the Empire of the Hand.
Whether the designation of Aurek Company was present within the Galactic Empire before the Empire of the Hand reactivated the 501st remains unknown. However, the unit's existence is confirmed for at least six years leading up to the liberation of Kariek, and it was still active during the Outbound Flight mission, which took place in 22 ABY.
Prior to the Battle of Endor, a typical company-sized unit in the Imperial Army and the Stormtrooper Corps comprised roughly 150 to 200 soldiers, organized into four platoons. In contrast, Aurek Company was composed of only forty individuals, structured into ten squads, each consisting of four troopers.
These individual squads possessed the capability to undertake prolonged commando operations independently, utilizing four-man shuttles and functioning, for instance, as commandos and bodyguards. Unit Aurek-Seven exemplified this versatility when assigned to accompany Commander Chak Fel, representing the Empire, during Chaf Envoy's voyage to Outbound Flight.