
Avarik, a male Human, held the rank of corporal as a scout trooper within the Galactic Empire's Tempest Force during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Following his time at the Corulag Academy, Avarik teamed up with Sergeant Elsek, becoming known amongst his Imperial peers for his frequent involvement in bar fights outside of his duties. Avarik's impulsive choices often required Elsek to intervene and provide cover, particularly regarding Avarik's common brawls in Corulag's bars and enlisted clubs; Elsek frequently had to rescue his partner from these altercations. As a corporal, Avarik became part of a biker scout squad tasked with observing the actions of the Yuzzum inhabiting the forest moon of Endor. He subsequently experienced an unfortunate confrontation with Han Solo, who defeated him in hand-to-hand combat, while Elsek, whom he instructed to call for reinforcements, was rendered unconscious by the Wookiee Chewbacca.

