Baes Logia

Baes Logia, a planet, existed within the Quence sector of the Outer Rim Territories', specifically in the Baes Logia system. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Tamo Lan, a medic from the Carosite Rebel Alliance, participated in a short campaign that took place on Baes Logia. During that same war, a trio of Rebel agents plotted to ensnare a general from the Galactic Empire in a calculated ambush. These agents feigned being on the verge of defeat by Imperial forces; however, as the general approached, Graf Yonna—an Alliance operative with a mentally fragile state who had, in part, adopted the persona of Parsol d'Ahndole, a legendary ancient adventurer and hero—arrived on the scene. Yonna then unleashed weapons fire, killing the Imperial officer. A short time after the Battle of Yavin, Alliance General Airen Cracken documented the Baes Logia incident in a datafile entry about Yonna, within a larger compilation of information about Rebel operatives.

Production Information

Chuck Truett conceived of Baes Logia, and it made its debut in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a West End Games sourcebook released in 1994 for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, situated the Baes Logia system, and therefore the planet itself, within grid square O-18.

Source Material

Additional Information
