Tamo Lan, a Carosite male field medic, dedicated his services to the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Subsequent to his departure from his homeworld, Carosi XII, triggered by an event where he killed an enslaver threatening one of his patients, Lan became a member of the Alliance. He served on the planet Baes Logia and the moon Yavin 4. Later he was chosen to join Shroud Team, an all-alien unit of Foster Agents under the command of Jin lieutenant Dutra Zeneta. Shroud Team operated from Corint City on the planet Pirik, with the responsibility of returning stranded field agents to the Alliance. Lan functioned as the team's medic and also trained Gondara, an Aqualish female and sister to his deceased best friend, Karlon, as his assistant.
Born on the planet Carosi XII sometime between 28 BBY and 24 BBY, Tamo Lan was a male Carosite. Possessing a natural inclination for healing, like all Carosites, he trained to become a field medic. Lan also desired to leave his homeworld and enlist in the Alliance to Restore the Republic for their struggle against the Galactic Empire. One day, Lan intervened when a Twi'lek enslaver menaced one of his patients. To protect his patient, the medic was forced to kill the enslaver. Although he was not banished from Carosi XII for his actions, Lan recognized that leaving was the best course of action. He followed his aspiration and joined the Alliance prior to 0 BBY, serving as a medic.
During his time with the Alliance, Lan participated in the campaign on the planet Baes Logia and was stationed at Headquarters Base on the moon Yavin 4 before the destruction of the first Death Star. While serving with the Alliance, Lan befriended an Aqualish male named Karlon, and they became close companions. After the Battle of Yavin, Jin lieutenant Dutra Zeneta selected Lan to be a member of Shroud Team, an all-alien group of Foster Agents operating from Corint City on the planet Pirik in the Divis Arm. The composition of Shroud Team, comprised of non-Human operatives, enabled them to effectively assimilate into Corint City, where only five percent of the 10 million residents were Human. Foster Agents held a dangerous position within the Alliance, tasked with returning stranded operatives—known as "orphans"—to the Alliance. Field operatives knew the names and locations of Foster Agents, which put the Agents at risk if their potential charges were captured and interrogated.
Lan, known as "Shroud Four," served as the team's medic and was often called upon to treat injuries of Shroud Team members and the operatives under their care. Sometime after 0 ABY, Imperial forces killed his friend Karlon on the planet Bresnia. Lan took responsibility for Karlon's seventeen-year-old sister, Gondara, who had been residing on an Alliance safe world while her brother fought for the Rebellion, and began training her to be his assistant.
Lan, like all Carosites, possessed dark brown fur and small, dark eyes and held an optimistic view of life. However, his experiences in the Galactic Civil War with the Alliance tempered his optimism. While still positive, his outlook was influenced by witnessing the Empire's tyranny and the horrors of war. Lan was a dedicated professional with the medical aptitude inherent in all Carosites. He was also very protective of his patients, the vulnerable and the young, as well as his ward, Gondara.
Lan was a highly skilled and competent medic, trained in first-aid techniques and advanced medicine. He had knowledge of various alien species, their cultures, and languages. He was also personable, capable of persuading or bargaining to achieve his objectives. The Carosite's technical skills enabled him to operate communications and sensor equipment, interface with security systems, and repair and program computers. Lan was also skilled in programming droids, particularly 2-1B surgical droids. He could plot courses through hyperspace and was trained to drive and repair repulsorlift vehicles. Despite being a medic, Lan was trained in the use of a blaster, was proficient in melee and unarmed combat, and had urban survival training.
Tamo Lan typically carried a heavy blaster pistol and a knife. Along with his weapons, he carried a comlink, a datapad, a diagnostic computer, and three medpacs.
Tamo Lan was a character in "Cracken's Rebel Operatives," a series of articles featured in Star Wars Adventure Journal published by West End Games. Lan appeared in the article in issue 10, released in May 1996. C. Robert Carey wrote the article, and Kathy Burdette provided a black-and-white illustration of the Carosite.
- " Cracken's Rebel Operatives " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 10 (First mentioned) (First pictured)