
Gondara was an Aqualish female, native to the planet Ando. Following the deaths of her parents at the hands of the Galactic Empire, she was raised by her older brother, Karlon. Karlon later joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and Gondara resided on an Alliance safe world for her protection against potential Imperial retaliation due to her brother's involvement. At seventeen, Gondara experienced another loss when Karlon perished in battle on Bresnia. Tamo Lan, a Carosite medic and Karlon's closest friend, assumed responsibility for the young woman. Subsequently, she joined him in service with Shroud Team, a unit of Foster Agents dedicated to aiding stranded operatives in their return to the Alliance, operating from Corint City on the planet Pirik. Gondara, a skilled thief, underwent training under Lan to become his medical assistant.


Between 17 BBY and 13 BBY, a female Aqualish named Gondara was born on the planet Ando. Imperial soldiers killed her parents, resulting in her upbringing by her older brother, Karlon. Several months after their parents' demise, Karlon became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a rebel group striving to overthrow the Empire. To shield Gondara from any Imperial attempts to exploit her connection to Karlon during his service with the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, she was relocated to an Alliance safe world.

After 0 ABY, when Gondara reached the age of seventeen, Karlon was killed in action fighting Imperial forces on Bresnia. Following her brother's death, Gondara made the decision to actively serve with the Alliance. Tamo Lan, a Carosite medic and Karlon's best friend, took Gondara under his care as his ward. Lan served under Jin Lieutenant Dutra Zeneta in Shroud Team, a unit of Foster Agents tasked with assisting stranded operatives in returning to the Alliance, based in Corint City on Pirik. Despite her lack of experience as a seasoned agent, Gondara possessed remarkable skills as a thief when she joined the team. She worked as a Foster Agent alongside her teammates, including Dheendo, a Rodian, and Thilis-Brin, an Ishi Tib.

Gondara's role was among the riskiest within the entire Alliance. Foster Agents constantly faced the threat of exposure by Imperial forces, as their identities and locations were widely known to Alliance operatives in the field who might require their assistance. If an operative was captured and revealed a Foster Agent's name under interrogation, the Agent's cover was blown. Gondara also aided Lan with his medical duties, developing the necessary skills to function as his assistant.

Personality and traits

Gondara, an Aqualish in her adolescence, was in training to become a valuable member of the Alliance, even though she was considered an adult by her species' standards. Already a proficient thief and pickpocket by the time she joined Shroud Team, she also started to acquire the skills necessary to work as a medical assistant. She possessed some understanding of other alien species and languages, and she was well-acquainted with the inner workings of Corint City. Gondara was capable of operating repulsorlift vehicles and security equipment. She was able to defend herself from harm, carrying a club for protection and a comlink.

Behind the scenes

Gondara's first appearance was in "Cracken's Rebel Operatives," a series of articles published in Star Wars Adventure Journal by West End Games. The article featuring Gondara was published in the tenth issue in 1996, and was authored by C. Robert Carey. A depiction of Gondara by Kathy Burdette was included with her profile. In 2003, Wizards of the Coast's Ultimate Alien Anthology referenced Gondara as a sample name for Aqualish characters.


Notes and references
