A Foster Agent functioned as an undercover operative for the Rebel Alliance. Their role involved rescuing Rebels who were either stranded or at risk of capture by Imperial security and intelligence forces, and then arranging for their secure return to the Alliance. Rebel starfighter pilots would be provided with the identities of Foster Agents operating in their vicinity, ensuring they had a contact on the ground should they be forced to eject. SpecOps teams and other operatives had similar support systems in place in the event their transportation was compromised or their cover was compromised.
The position was widely regarded as the most perilous within the Rebel Alliance. This was due to the fact that a large number of Rebels were given the names of Foster Agents: if even a single one was apprehended and interrogated, they could potentially expose the Foster Agent to the Empire. Consequently, the Foster Agent could be apprehended by the Empire through circumstances beyond their control.
- Ytavarg Aleema [2]
- Baydo Chasdy , Alliance Special Operations [3]
- Dheendo [4]
- Gondara [4]
- Tamo Lan [4]
- Kina Margath , Alliance Intelligence [1]
- Thilis-Brin [4]
- Dutra Zeneta [4]
- Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim
- Cracken's Rebel Operatives
- Alliance Intelligence Reports
- " Cracken's Rebel Operatives " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 10
- Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy