Baydo Chasdy

Baydo Chasdy, affectionately known as "Bay" by those close to him, was a Human male. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, he was the proprietor of the HyperDive Cantina, situated on the planet Mon Calamari. Located within the Fathoms entertainment hub, the HyperDive distinguished itself by being entirely submerged beneath a meter of water. While openly admitting to being a gambler, a womanizer, and a con man, Chasdy also secretly served the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a Foster Agent within Alliance Special Operations. His role involved being a crucial contact for Rebel agents who found themselves stranded or with compromised identities. Chasdy's responsibility was to facilitate their safe return to the Alliance, utilizing his personally modified YT-1300 light freighter, the Chaserstarship. To explain his frequent absences from the HyperDive, he attributed them to his numerous scams and cons, which conveniently masked his true activities.


During the Galactic Civil War, Baydo Chasdy, a Human male known to his acquaintances as "Bay," made his home on the planet of Mon Calamari. He was a confirmed gambler and womanizer, and he readily admitted to spending much of his life as a con man, a swindler, and a deceiver. Chasdy leased space within the Fathoms entertainment complex, specifically in Wildwater City's Glitter Cay tower, from Odanni, a Mon Calamari entrepreneur and crime lord. There, he founded the HyperDive Cantina, a lively establishment where spacers could gather, enjoy Geillian ale, engage in games of sabacc, and watch sporting events. The cantina's defining feature was its submersion under a meter of water. Patrons were advised to wear wetsuits or bathing togs, and elevated plastech tables extended from the floor, rising above the water to provide a place for drinks. The bar was similarly equipped, with stools anchored to the floor, and a section of the cantina was dedicated to sabacc tables and other games of chance. Holoscreens were strategically positioned high on the walls, allowing patrons to view sporting events like the shockball championship.

The fee for renting the HyperDive was relatively inexpensive, and Chasdy also gave Odanni a portion of his profits. Odanni was of the opinion that Chasdy was incapable of earning money honestly, but the gambler disputed that claim, pointing out that owning the HyperDive made him a legitimate businessman. Despite being the owner, Chasdy was rarely present. He entrusted the management of the bar to his Kian'thar bartender, Lliegis'Nevz. Given Chasdy's limited knowledge of business management, this was considered a fortunate circumstance, as the cantina would likely have gone bankrupt without Lliegis'Nevz's involvement.

Chasdy's frequent departures from the HyperDive served as a disguise. Those who knew him assumed that he was attempting to cheat someone or perpetrate a con, as he was known for running multiple scams simultaneously at any given time. They generally considered him harmless, lacking significant skills as a con man, but possessing a certain amount of luck. Chasdy did nothing to contradict these beliefs, using them as a perfect cover for one of the most dangerous roles within the Alliance to Restore the Republic. As a Foster Agent for Alliance Special Operations, his mission was to assist stranded operatives—agents whose covers had been blown—in returning to the Alliance. Chasdy's double life was fraught with danger; Foster Agents were constantly at risk of exposure by the Galactic Empire, as their identities could be revealed by captured operatives under interrogation. Rebels seeking Chasdy's assistance would find him at the HyperDive, and he would then use his ship, the modified YT-1300 light freighter Chaser, to transport them safely back to the Alliance.

Baydo Chasdy helps out a pair of individuals

On one occasion during the Galactic Civil War, a group of Alliance agents found themselves pursued by the Empire. Chasdy was their closest contact, and they had to evade Imperial forces, the unsavory inhabitants of Wildwater City, and Odanni—who believed that capturing the group would be financially advantageous—before reaching safety. At another point, a group of spacers was hired by Koll, a Qwohog medic working for the Alliance, to locate his sister, Kei No Kay. After tracking her to Wave Works, a gift shop within the Fathoms complex, the spacers discovered that she was being held as a slave by Jund Voon, the Ishi Tib owner of the store, and forced to create exquisite artwork for him to sell. The spacers attempted to inform Chasdy and Lliegis'Nevz of the situation at Wave Works and enlist their help in rescuing her. Voon, aware of the spacers' intentions, did not want to lose his valuable asset and considered hiring Nollo Kanx, a feared Quarren who served as an enforcer and assassin for Odanni, to deal with the group.

Personality and traits

Baydo Chasdy was a womanizing, gambling scoundrel who freely confessed to cheating, lying, and deceiving others. Despite being viewed as incompetent and unskilled—though fortunate—by those around him, Chasdy meticulously cultivated this image to conceal his true role as an Alliance Foster Agent. He had no aptitude for business and gladly left the management of the HyperDive to Lleigis'Nevz, although he enjoyed boasting about the cantina and its unique characteristics. While his peers questioned his abilities, Chasdy was a skilled forger and con man, capable of intimidating or persuading his targets as needed. He was streetwise and stealthy, with training in unarmed combat and the use of a blaster. His operation of the Chaser meant he could fly space transports, including navigating through hyperspace, as well as operating the ship's weapons, deflector shields, and sensors.

Chasdy possessed knowledge of multiple alien languages and could accurately assess the value of items for sale. His operation of the submerged HyperDive cantina gave him above-average swimming skills, and he was technically proficient with security systems. He typically carried falsified documents and fake IDs, a datapad, several changes of clothes, a chronometer, and a recording rod, and was armed with a hold-out blaster and a blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Baydo Chasdy made an appearance in Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game released by West End Games in 1997. Paul Danner authored the supplement, and Joel Carroll provided the illustrations of Chasdy.


  • Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy (First mentioned)

Notes and references
