The Qwohog were intelligent humanoid creatures capable of living both on land and in water, native to Hirsi. This [planet](/article/planet/legends], primarily composed of freshwater lakes and seas, was their original habitat. They remained secluded from the broader galaxy until the events of the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war/legends] drew them in, leading them to side with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Known for their small frames, agility, and seemingly fragile build, they were sometimes referred to as Wavedancers due to their elegant movements within the freshwater environments of their homeworld.
The Qwohog possessed smooth, iridescent skin that ranged in color from blue to green. Instead of hair, they had raised, silvery-blue scales located on their heads, wrists, waists, and ankles, which could be mistaken for hair from a distance. Their faces were characterized by the absence of visible noses, long, pointed ears, and circular, black eyes. Despite their delicate appearance, Qwohog were surprisingly strong for their size.

As fully amphibious beings, the Qwohog had lungs connected to both their mouths and gill slits situated under their arms. They could easily acclimate to various freshwater environments, but saltwater was harmful to their lungs and gills. This meant they needed specialized protective suits to navigate the saline oceans found on most other habitable planets.
The Wavedancers communicated through a spoken language known as Qwohog, but because their vocalizations were optimized for underwater communication, their voices only carried a short distance of 4 meters in the air. To overcome this limitation, they relied on Qwohog sign language for surface communication. Following their initial interactions with offworlders, they also began utilizing vocalizer masks developed by the Anomids.

Prior to encountering offworlders, the Wavedancers had not independently developed advanced technology. Qwohog communities engaged in cultivating various aquatic plants, harvesting floating basin-pods, and hunting skitterflies and fish. Hunting expeditions also ventured onto land in search of lizards and small mammals, which they considered delicacies. Typically, Qwohog wore simple garments crafted from tenidit plant fibers, with male leaders often adorning their ears with seashells.
The Qwohog were known for their diligent work ethic, eagerness to enjoy life, and ability to quickly form friendships. However, when wronged or threatened, they were fiercely protective of themselves and their homes.
Scouts affiliated with the Rebel Alliance came across them while exploring Hirsi in search of deposits of valuable rudic crystal. The Rebels quickly established a friendly relationship with the Qwohog, which soon evolved into trade. Unfortunately for the Qwohog, the Galactic Empire soon followed. The Imperial occupation of Hirsi was short-lived but harsh—the Rebel scout team was killed, the crystal mining was conducted without regard for the environment, and several Qwohog were taken as prisoners.

After the Imperial forces withdrew, a second Rebel team arrived on Hirsi. The Qwohog leaders requested that the Rebels establish a permanent presence to safeguard their homeworld, and they renewed their alliance with the Alliance. They began exchanging rudic crystals, food, cloth, and medicines derived from local shellfish, which proved particularly effective in treating burns.
During this period, thousands of Qwohog also departed on Alliance ships, either to participate in the Galactic Civil War or to establish colonies as a safeguard for their species in the event of the Empire's return to Hirsi. Qwohog colonists and those serving with the Rebellion rapidly acquired knowledge of galactic technology and the Basic language. Many Qwohog became scouts, technicians, medics, or pilots for the Alliance, and later, for the New Republic. Although their homeworld was destroyed by the resurrected Palpatine's Galaxy Gun, the offworld Qwohog survived, and by the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War, thriving colonies of Qwohog could be found spread across the galaxy.
Galaxy Guide 12 and other West End Games supplements suggest that the second encounter between the Rebel Alliance and the Qwohog took place relatively early in the Galactic Civil War, and that the Imperial occupation of Hirsi was brief. However, Wizards of the Coast's Ultimate Alien Anthology portrays a prolonged occupation that lasted until the Battle of Endor, although the Qwohog are described as joining the Rebel Alliance rather than their successors, the Alliance of Free Planets or the New Republic.