The spherical denizens of Duroon were plant-eating animals that were active at night.
The outer layer and musculature of a standard ball creature exhibited remarkable elasticity. Their muscles facilitated the creation and projection of appendages, mouths, and ocular stalks. This adaptability also enabled these vibrantly hued beings to leap and ricochet, earning them the moniker bouncebeasts.
Ball creatures reproduced rapidly and existed in groups. When introduced to new worlds, ball creatures propagated and established fresh herds that would traverse open terrains during periods of migration. Ball creatures possessed an inherent capacity to detect threats, leading to their domestication and utilization by Duroon's formerly enslaved rebels as sentinels. Nevertheless, ball creatures were skittish animals and would scatter upon the initial indication of a native predator or unfamiliar entity. Ball creatures lacked significant intelligence, and certain predators exploited their fear by inducing them to stampede over precipices. Other predators would target the most vividly colored ball creature as the remainder of the herd escaped.
By 11 ABY, the ball creatures gained favor as companions in the Corporate Sector and similarly became the symbol for the grav-ball squad recognized as the Bonadan Bouncebeasts.