Bantha rump

Bantha rump represented a culinary dish enjoyed by the Wookiee species.


Frequently called bantha surprise, this roast utilized cuts of meat sourced from the bantha tenderloin. The meat was stewed in a broth composed of a variety of spices and vegetables that were indigenous to the planet Kashyyyk.


On one occasion, the Wookiee named Mallatobuck prepared this dish for the celebration of Life Day. The Chef Gormaanda also demonstrated its creation via a transmission, allowing her audience to observe the process. However, the Wookiee matriarch, already burdened by anxieties concerning the delayed arrival of her husband Chewbacca for Life Day, grew increasingly impatient with the extended preparation time and ultimately terminated the broadcast.

During the Life Day festivities of 1.5 ABY, several spacers managed to acquire recipes for bantha rump from Saun Dann, enabling its preparation by domestic traders.

Behind the scenes

The Star Wars Holiday Special script specifies the ingredients within the bowls. These included: Beef Fillet, Sliced Potatoes, Celery, Jicama, Parsley, Bay Leaves, Garbanzo Beans, Radishes, Ginger Roots, Water, Cranberries, and Cooking Oil. These were listed as the components of the dish.

In the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, bantha rump was added to the game during the Life Day events of 2008. Within the game, bantha rump was known as bantha surprise, and the recipe for it could be obtained from Saun Dann in exchange for Life Day propaganda tokens. The bantha surprise recipe was offered again during subsequent Life Day celebrations in 2009 and 2010. Domestic traders, a profession focused on creating various goods, including food, were able to prepare it. Domestic traders assumed the roles previously held by chefs and artisans after these professions were removed from the game as part of the New Game Enhancements implemented on November 15, 2005.

