The Baobab Archives, which could be found on Manda, were a massive collection of knowledge gathered from across the galaxy.
The Archives, owned by the renowned Baobab family, housed information about galactic history, planets, languages, cultures, and hyperspace routes. A large number of scientists, anthropologists, and philologists also came to work at the Archives; in essence, the Baobabs had created a group of intellectual minds that were as highly regarded as any similar research institution.
In 520 BBY, the Ark of Baron Auletphant, which had been lost in space for ten thousand years, became a part of the Archives' collection.
Among the valuable items held there was the only remaining copy of the epic poem Dha Werda Verda, which was discovered by Mungo Baobab.
For a great many years, the Chief Philologist and leader of the Baobab Archives was Ebenn Q3 Baobab. Through his efforts within this organization, the Baobab family managed to establish institutions such as the Baobab Archives Cultural Phenomenon Study Center, the Baobab Museum of Science, the Baobab Work Placement Bureau, the Baobab School of Speed-Learning, and the Baobab HoloNet.
Atour Riten served his apprenticeship at the Baobab Archives.