Barabel War

The near outbreak of armed conflict known as the Barabel War was averted by the actions of a celebrated Jedi, Noga-ta, who intervened before any actual battles took place.


Long before the era of the Galactic Empire, the remote and relatively unknown world of Barab I became a hotbed of contention among its native sentient species, the Barabels. Two significant factions found themselves locked in a heated disagreement concerning hunting territories, and their increasingly hostile exchanges threatened to escalate into full-blown warfare, potentially engulfing adjacent tribes and even the entire planet.

Into this volatile situation came the Jedi Knight Noga-ta—some accounts of the story suggest that Noga-ta was supported by a group of Jedi—with the aim of resolving the dispute before hostilities commenced. Noga-ta successfully delivered an impartial ruling on the matter by carefully considering the perspectives of both sides and devising a solution that ensured mutual benefit. As a direct result of the Jedi's intervention, the Barabel never again engaged in conflict over hunting grounds; instead, they shared all territories amongst their various tribes. A tribe was required to give their largest kill of a night to a neighboring tribe, fostering a stronger sense of community while simultaneously bestowing honor upon the successful tribe and rewarding those who were less successful hunters.

The Barabel held Jedi in perpetual reverence, considering any judgment rendered by a Jedi to be the definitive resolution to any issue. Although actual combat was fortunately avoided, later generations referred to the disagreement as the "Barabel War".


  • Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races
  • Dark Force Rising Sourcebook (First identified as Barabel War)
  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
  • The New Essential Guide to Alien Species
  • Galaxy at War

Notes and references
