As a soldier of fortune, specifically a mercenary, Darca Nyl participated in numerous engagements and wars in the years preceding 32 BBY.
A specific combat scenario occurred in the skies above a spaceport situated on an unidentified planet. In this instance, Darca belonged to a battalion outfitted with jetpacks. These soldiers were intended to be transported into the fray within repulsorlift troop carriers and unleashed against larger aerial targets. Just prior to their mission in this battle, the battalion's transport was struck by enemy projectiles, resulting in the immediate demise of the majority of the unit. Only Garrett and Darca emerged alive from the wreckage and disembarked the collapsing vehicle. While suspended in the air, the two attempted to rendezvous with a nearby battalion; however, Garrett's jetpack sustained damage, causing him to plummet uncontrollably toward the spaceport below. With mere moments remaining, Darca intervened, rescuing Garrett's life. This ordeal left a significant mark on the mercenary, ultimately influencing his decision to forsake his previous existence. Following this battle, Darca Nyl gained his freedom.