Battle near Athega

The confrontation in the vicinity of Athega was a spacefaring conflict. It pitted the forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic against those of the Galactic Empire, unfolding either within or proximate to the Athega system.

The Clash

A group of eleven Rebel blockade runners, collectively known as the convoy group Athega, received an escort through realspace provided by A-wing starfighters belonging to Gold Squadron. Just moments before the corvettes could initiate their jump to hyperspace, Imperial starfighters of the long-range variety materialized within the system. TIE Avengers engaged Gold Squadron in combat. It's possible that Red Squadron was called in to provide additional support. Concurrently, Assault Gunboats commenced launching torpedo attacks against the vulnerable Rebel convoy.

Approximately four minutes after the initial skirmish, the Calamari Cruiser named Defiance arrived on the scene. From a strategically safe distance, it deployed Green Squadron, a squadron of X-wing superiority starfighters. The Imperial Navy may have responded by deploying the Victory-class Star Destroyer, Aggressor, to counteract the growing Rebel threat, particularly if its fighter wings requested backup.

Behind the scenes

Within the computer game Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, players have the option to participate in the "Attack on Rebel Convoy near Athega" mission, aligning themselves with either the Rebel or Imperial forces. Given that both sides possess conflicting objectives and that achieving victory isn't mandatory for unlocking subsequent missions, the battle itself is considered canon. However, the definitive outcome within the established canon remains unresolved.

The vessels identified in this document are those present during the Operation: Quick Strike battle, utilizing the default ships allocated to the player.

It's indicated that the confrontation occurred in a neutral zone "near Athega". The precise nature of Athega—whether it's a celestial body (potentially placing the battle within the Athega system) or the star system itself—remains ambiguous. What is certain is that this engagement did not transpire in the vast emptiness between star systems.

