Operation: Quick Strike was a military campaign waged by the Alliance to Restore the Republic against the Galactic Empire. This conflict unfolded within the Outer Rim Territories during the era of the Galactic Civil War. The missions showcase both Rebel assaults and Imperial counter-attacks, varying from precise strike operations to critical rescue attempts.
The VSD named Inexorable is tasked with defending the Drekker Industries Special Materials Factory, known as Drekker, situated in the Yerej system. It faces an attack from the Rebel FRG Meteor accompanied by its squadron of Z-95 Headhunter starfighters.
The Imperial ETR Trap Door has strategically placed a minefield surrounding a Rebel supply cache located in the Obran Cluster. Gunboats lie in wait to ambush any Rebel forces attempting to recover the supplies, supported by Heavy Lifter group HLF Beetle.
The supply platform belonging to the Empire in the Tortali system is subjected to a significant assault by Rebel starfighters. The STRKC Huntsman arrives to provide assistance and defend the platform.
Rebel Cargo Ferry group Rongo is in the process of receiving a consignment of stolen Imperial munitions from Airam smugglers, specifically two vessels from CARG group Fanir, in the Ytha'ac Cluster. However, Imperial Gunboats, Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transports, and TIE Avenger starfighters appear to seize the containers.
The ISD Dauntless has made its way to the Deep Space Manufacturing Facility Sentinel near Gaerboud IV to take delivery of newly manufactured TIE Avenger starfighters. Rebel starfighters launch an attack with the objective of destroying the TIE Avengers while they are being transported to the Dauntless by personnel lacking proper training. Should the Rebel starfighters fail to eliminate a sufficient number of "TIE Advanced" fighters, their final recourse is to deploy the frigate Rehz'nor, which will dispatch X-wings and Y-wings to try and destroy the Dauntless.
Imperial fighters launch an offensive against Rebel CR90 corvettes, specifically eleven ships forming CRV group Athega, as they traverse the Athega system.
During a starfighter raid on an Imperial Cargo Transfer Station situated in the Elliirad system, the Rebels utilize Escort shuttle Upsilon, disguised with false Imperial markings. The purpose is to deploy a demolition team onto the platform to sabotage the facility. During this attack, a number of Imperial freighters also become targets, specifically the Cargo Ferries (CARG) Slainte, Lesyta, Rugin, Tanyay, and the Modular Conveyors (CNVYR) Posi, Mhath, Luung, and Weema.
Operation: Quick Strike is classified as a "Battle" within the Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter video game. It comprises a collection of eight distinct missions that are grouped together, but do not form a cohesive, overarching campaign. Battles do not adhere to a specific narrative, and the missions lack a defined chronological sequence.
While the events depicted in the individual missions can be regarded as canonical, the ultimate outcome is contingent upon the player's choices. Consequently, the definitive canonical result of each mission remains ambiguous. It is reasonable to infer that neither side managed to achieve any enduring advantage (such as the destruction of a starship) throughout the duration of the Battle.