
Rehz'nor was a Rebel Alliance EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate. During the Battle of Gaerboud IV, this frigate served in a supporting capacity, where the Alliance tried to stop a shipment of TIE Avengers from being transported from the Sentinel manufacturing facility to the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Dauntless. The plan involved Rebel starfighters intercepting and destroying the TIE Avengers. If the Avengers, flown by workers instead of combat pilots, made it to the Dauntless, the Rehz'nor's job was to bring more X-wing and Y-wing starfighters to the fight. These extra fighters were supposed to launch torpedo attacks on the Dauntless to try and take it out.

For a period of time, the Rehz'nor also functioned as the command ship in the area for Green Squadron, which included the time of the Ambush of Rebel Alliance Frigate Rehz'nor resupply that was disrupted, possibly after (or before) the Battle of Gaerboud IV.

