Rogue Squadron was dispatched to conduct patrols in the vicinity of The Maw, seeking evidence of a rumored Imperial prison installation; it was there that they became embroiled in a conflict.
Following the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, the Rebel Alliance suffered significant losses, but the war persisted. Alliance command suspected the existence of a hidden Imperial facility within an asteroid field situated near the Maw. Three members of Rogue Squadron were tasked with reconnaissance, and as they neared the asteroid field, General Carlist Rieekan advised them to maintain heightened vigilance. Wedge Antilles, serving as Rogue Leader, employed his vessel's ion cannon to neutralize a mine obstructing their path.
Wedge Antilles, along with two fellow pilots, navigated their Y-wings into the asteroid field. One pilot detected an unusual sensor reading, prompting Antilles to caution them to remain observant, speculating that the signals could originate from the Empire. Subsequently, the Rogues encountered a group consisting of seven Imperial tankers and a Lambda-class shuttle, thereby revealing their presence. TIE/LN starfighter squadrons moved to intercept the Rebel starfighters and an Imperial demanded that they surrender. The Imperial forces received no response from the Rebel pilots, who continued their trajectory toward their objective: a shield protecting the asteroid that housed the facility. Antilles disabled three of the projectors, creating a breach in the shield, and the Rogues descended toward the surface base, evading the mines scattered around the facility.
Antilles communicated their progress to Rieekan and subsequently intercepted a transmission from the surface. Rebel Karie Neth, along with several other prisoners captured following the Imperial attack on Hoth, had successfully escaped the facility but urgently required assistance to ensure their safe departure. Neth transmitted a plea for help. Neth identified herself to Antilles as the prisoners' leader and requested that Antilles and his wingmen destroy the guard towers safeguarding the prison complex. Neth provided the Y-wings with targeting data.

Antilles instructed his wingmen to engage while he eliminated the five towers protecting the prison, enabling the armored hovertrain commandeered by the escapees to advance. Subsequently, a Rebel reported their need for weaponry and transmitted additional targeting information pertaining to the weapons storage building, enabling Antilles to bomb the guard towers. Neth then instructed them to disable the comm relay before the arrival of the Star Destroyer patrol. Antilles then flew to the opposite side of the base, targeting the hangars and destroying the five guns located there, to allow the prisoners to commandeer an escape vehicle. He also bombed Imperial walkers, contributing to the overall chaos. While flying over the prison command buildings, he bombed them as well, and he managed to recover technology of value to the Rebellion from within an atmospheric dome. The remaining prisoners reached the landing platform and escaped in a Sentinel-class landing craft. Antilles engaged TIE Interceptors that were attacking the shuttle until it successfully entered hyperspace.
Antilles informed General Rieekan that their mission had been completed, and he and his wingmen entered hyperspace to rejoin the fleet in the Outer Rim Territories. As the Rogues departed, the facility was engulfed in explosions behind them. Karie Neth later joined Rogue Squadron, eventually participating in the Battle of Endor.
The battle near the Maw is depicted in a mission within the 2001 video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader. This mission is also present in the co-op campaign of Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike. Acquiring the upgrade will satisfy the mission's bonus objective. The player has the option to instruct their wingman to attack targets, and this article assumes that the player did so, rather than ordering a retreat. During the race to the landing platforms, the strategy guide suggests following the train or proceeding directly. The player is not required to eliminate all guns and AT-PTs, although the strategy guide recommends doing so.