Battle of Bespin (Mandalorian Wars)

The Bespin conflict unfolded within the timeframe of the Mandalorian Wars, although the specific year of this engagement remains unconfirmed. At the commencement of the Mandalorian Wars, the military forces aligned with the Old Republic relied heavily on Tibanna gas, a resource extracted from the atmosphere of the gas giant Bespin. Bespin itself resided within its namesake star system, situated in the Anoat sector of the Greater Javin region, which fell within the Outer Rim Territories.

Before the eruption of war, the leaders of the Empress Teta system had initiated active gas-mining endeavors there, following the world's initial charting by the Hyperspace Navigator's Guild. The extracted resources were subsequently transported to the Republic, which utilized the highly reactive, spin-sealed gas in the manufacturing of blaster weaponry, encompassing both personal firearms and starship-mounted cannons. In an attempt to undermine the wartime production capabilities of their adversaries, a Mandalorian armada launched an offensive against the Tetan mining operations within the Bespin system. This assault led to the complete destruction of the mining infrastructure, effectively halting all such activities for the remainder of the war.

In the aftermath of this attack, only a small number of mining entities possessed the necessary time or financial capital to contemplate a renewed Tibanna gas-mining project on Bespin. Consequently, the planet remained unoccupied and undeveloped until 1989 BBY, when the Republic re-established a presence there, which then led to the founding of Cloud City by Ecclessis Figg around 400 BBY.


  • Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (First mentioned)
  • The Essential Atlas
