Hyperspace Navigator's Guild

The Brotherhood of Navigators, also known as the Navigators' Guild, functioned as an organization dedicated to uncovering and establishing previously unknown hyperspace routes to facilitate secure travel throughout the galaxy. On Koros Major, Shodon Ko served as the Guild's representative, operating from the Hyperspace Navigator's Guildhouse situated there.

Around 5000 BBY, the Navigators' Guild was actively engaged as hyperspace explorers pioneered new pathways for the burgeoning Galactic Republic. The Guild incentivized Scouts across the galaxy by rewarding them for information leading to the discovery of new hyperspace routes. Once a new route's existence was reported, a process to confirm its safety commenced, with the guild dedicating considerable resources and time to ensure its long-term viability. After a lane's verification, the Hyperspace Navigators Guild would share the route's data with the Space Ministry, which then disseminated the coordinates throughout the galaxy.

Gav and Jori Daragon, while residing on Cinnagar, were employed by the Navigators' Guild, discovering new, safe routes aboard their vessel, Starbreaker 12, before the onset of the Great Hyperspace War. Cinnagar also featured a 'Monument to the Lost Navigators'.

Although the Guild's importance lessened over time, it continued its operations into the era of the New Jedi Order, remaining a key source for novel hyperspace routes, particularly within the Deep Core, Wild Space, and the borders of the Unknown Regions – areas largely overlooked by the Space Ministry.

