Battle of Gwori

The Battle of Gwori unfolded during the Clone Wars, a conflict that saw Anakin Skywalker tasked with pinpointing the location of a Confederate shipyard facility situated on Gwori. His mission required him to coordinate a bomber assault to obliterate the installation. Unexpectedly, his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, secretly joined the mission without authorization. Working together, and with the assistance of Obi-Wan Kenobi, they not only ensured the destruction of the shipyards by the bombers, but also liberated a considerable number of skilled ship builders.


Following a significant setback at Nexus Ortai, the Republic resolved to launch an offensive against the shipyards located on Gwori, which were under the supervision of the Muun overseer, Juhm. However, the planet was defended by a blockade consisting of Munificent-class star frigates. Moreover, the droids had engineered a device capable of scanning incoming vessels and eliminating any biological lifeforms on board, effectively restricting passage to droids alone. To circumvent this obstacle, Anakin Skywalker proposed a strategy wherein he, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and a small contingent of Clone troopers would undergo carbonite freezing to evade both the Separatist blockade and the lifeform-eradicating beam, as they would not be detectable as living organisms by the droids' scanners. Skywalker's Astromech unit, R2-D2, was assigned the task of piloting a transport vessel carrying the frozen team. Defying Skywalker's explicit orders, his Padawan Ahsoka Tano also had herself frozen in carbonite, joining him on the mission. Upon arrival, Anakin and the strike team were to transmit the shipyard coordinates to Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Saesee Tiin, enabling them to spearhead a bombing raid on the shipyards.

The battle

Upon their arrival at Gwori, R2-D2 skillfully maneuvered the Freighter VX-391, utilizing a hacked battle droid, and integrated into a convoy of transport ships nearing the shipyards. Employing the battle droid as a means of communication with the scanning gate, R2 successfully guided the ship through. Regrettably, at that precise moment, Juhm contacted the scanning gate, reporting an anomaly within the convoy. Despite warnings of a potential Jedi assault, the droids initially dismissed the additional ship as a mere miscount by a Plunk Droid. The droids proposed the destruction of all freighters due to their inability to identify the extra vessel. However, deeming this option too costly, they instead directed all transport ships to alter course to platform A-61, a command followed by all except R2-D2, who was unfamiliar with the route. Soon after, Vulture Droids launched an attack on the freighter. Fortunately, R2 managed to eject the frozen clones and Jedi and escape before the ship was destroyed.

To successfully breach the Separatist blockade, the two Jedi masters and the Republic bombers needed to execute a Precision hyperspace jump. Unbeknownst to them, the shipyards were filled with slaves. Meanwhile, Skywalker, Kenobi, Tano, and Rex found themselves captured. However, with the assistance of R2-D2, they managed to break free. As soon as the bombers arrived, the Jedi opted to escape aboard a Separatist frigate. However, the bombs destroyed the shields. Shortly after Skywalker piloted the stolen frigate away from the shipyards, Tiin was on the verge of destroying it until Kenobi contacted him and told him not to. Plo Koon then instructed the bombers to target the construction supports. Once completed, the shipyards collapsed.

The stolen frigate approached the blockade, but its size precluded an immediate hyperspace jump, and it lacked the necessary armaments to engage in combat, having been unarmed at the time of its theft. With their shields disabled, Skywalker and Kenobi couldn't risk attracting the attention of the Vulture droids patrolling the area, and they were compelled to comply with the traffic controllers' instructions. The frigate was directed toward the scanning station, but Juhm discovered its location and ordered the station to activate the radiation beam. However, Koon and Tiin opened fire on the station, disabling the beam. The frigate accelerated through just before the station exploded.


The Jedi successfully escaped, the shipyards were obliterated, and Count Dooku commanded Asajj Ventress to assassinate Overseeer Juhm. Darth Sidious dismissed the loss as insignificant. Back on Coruscant, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine expressed his continued admiration for Anakin's accomplishments. The former slaves were now able to construct warships with fair compensation and contentment.

Behind the scenes

Note that Rex's armor lost its blue touch as Juhm tries to kill him and Ahsoka

