Battle of Ixtlar (Clone Wars)

A certain conflict that occurred at Ixtlar was just one of many engagements happening between the Galactic Republic's Victory Fleet and the Separatist's Bulwark Fleet. Because the Bulwark Fleet continued to pose a danger, the Victory Fleet was compelled to chase after it, resulting in an unresolved outcome to the battle.

Behind the scenes

Although the timeline of events is known, the exact timing of this conflict is somewhat vague. This is because The New Essential Chronology relies on a 12-month year for its dates instead of using the Galactic Standard Calendar, and it places the Foerost campaign in "20.1 B.B.Y. (1 year, 11 months after the Battle of Geonosis)".


  • The New Essential Chronology (First mentioned)
  • The Essential Atlas
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare

Notes and references
