Foerost campaign

The Foerost campaign, a significant event during the Clone Wars in 20.1 BBY, determined control of the Core Worlds.


To weaken the CIS, the Galactic Republic had blockaded the extensive Techno Union shipyards on Foerost from the beginning of the war, cutting off their access to vital factories.

Nearly two years into the blockade, engineers from the Techno Union unveiled their latest creation: the Bulwark Mark I battlecruiser. This massive, kilometer-long warship easily broke through the Republic's blockade. Heavily armed with ion cannons, turbolasers, and strong [armor](/article/armor-legends], the Bulwark Fleet, led by the experienced Sullustan commander Dua Ningo, relentlessly attacked Republic outposts in Coruscant's Sector Zero.

Faced with this aggressive assault, the Republic was compelled to deploy their new Victory I-class Star Destroyer six months ahead of its intended launch. Under the command of young Captains Jan Dodonna and Terrinald Screed, the Victory Fleet fought bravely in engagements at Ixtlar, Alsakan, and Basilisk; however, Ningo and his Bulwark Fleet survived.

The climactic battle of the Foerost campaign occurred above Anaxes, where the Bulwark Fleet was finally defeated.

Behind the scenes

Dan Wallace conceived the Foerost campaign for The New Essential Chronology to provide a backstory for the Bulwark battlecruisers featured in Star Wars: Rebellion.

