Battle of Kothlis (Clone Wars)

During the Clone Wars, a battle transpired on the world of Kothlis, signifying the second attempt by the Galactic Republic to reclaim the planet during the conflict. Tasked with thwarting the invasion by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Admiral Wullf Yularen, along with Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano, confronted General Grievous. The Kaleesh military leader introduced a novel weapon capable of disrupting all Republic communications. Despite this disruption, the Jedi, alongside the Clone Army, engaged in a fierce struggle, ultimately securing victory.


In the vicinity of Kothlis, the Indomitable Battle Group idled in space, awaiting instructions. Lt. Avrey, the Communications Officer, intercepted a Priority Alpha transmission originating from Grand Master Yoda. The Admiral and Jedi convened in the Battle Operations Room to review the message. The recording featured the diminutive Jedi Master conveying intelligence that General Grievous was directing his fleet towards Kothlis, issuing an order to intercept him before the Bothan Spynet could be neutralized. Yoda also sanctioned a request for reinforcements. The Republic Admiral, characteristically cautious, harbored significant reservations concerning the impending confrontation, but Skywalker successfully persuaded him of its necessity. Upon his return to the bridge, the Admiral summoned his fleet to battle readiness and issued the command to jump to Kothlis. With a journey of half an hour anticipated, Kenobi and Skywalker retreated to meditate, while the Padawan Ahsoka Tano undertook the task of mobilizing the ground forces. She encountered them in the mess hall, and after a brief interaction, she instructed the clones to commence preparations for combat.

Upon the Republic forces' re-emergence into realspace, they discovered Grievous' fleet already positioned in wait. Exacerbating the situation, the Separatist forces unveiled a potent jamming system, capable of completely severing Republic communications. Lt. Avrey informed the leaders she could engineer a solution to bypass the jamming through the employment of archaic, yet functional, technology. After an hour spent awaiting a resolution, Skywalker spearheaded the space forces to engage the opposing fleet, while the ground forces were deployed into the atmosphere. The fighters were devoid of any mechanism for orchestrating their counter-attack, relying solely on split-second timing for the assault.

The battle

While Skywalker destroyed a significant number of droid starfighters, his Padawan aided Kenobi and the clones as they clashed with the droid infantry. Skywalker's aerial maneuvers averted numerous potential losses among the Clone pilots. Following substantial casualties, the Republic forces compelled the Separatist fleet to retreat. Although numerous Bothans were caught in the crossfire, the Bothan Spynet remained largely intact, indicating that the battle's primary objective had been achieved. Obi-Wan Kenobi sustained injuries from shrapnel originating from B2 super battle droids, and Ahsoka Tano was rendered unconscious. Lt. Avrey restored communications and requested assistance from the Coryx Moth. In the aftermath of the battle, Skywalker landed near the battleground while Gold Squadron eliminated the remaining Vulture droids. The Jedi General provided aid to Clone medics in treating the wounded and summoned an evacuation for his former master and apprentice. Upon his return to the Indomitable, he received notification that it had sustained damage and would require weeks in space-dock for repairs. The Jedi were transported back to Coruscant aboard the Pioneer, while the wounded were dispatched to the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center for recuperation.

Behind the scenes

The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 29 seems to allude to this specific engagement, positioning it chronologically between the events depicted in The Clone Wars: No Prisoners and The Clone Wars: Shipyards of Doom. However, The Essential Reader's Companion and The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 23 both date these two works to 22 BBY. Consequently, the mention in Part 29 must instead pertain to the battle that occurred in 22 BBY, as depicted in The Clone Wars: The Wind Raiders of Taloraan.

